Lucerne Dialogue Community



For a long-term impact that goes beyond the Annual Meeting, we foster and nurture communities through various programmes.

Lifelong learning is one of the key skills required for personal fulfilment, healthy, sustainable lifestyles, employability, active citizenship and social inclusion. Through our communities, we facilitate a coming together of current and future leaders to learn from and with each other in dialogue.

The NextGen training and inspiration programme, which lasts several months, aims to promote and develop participants' dialogue and environment skills. The programme is reserved for the partners of Lucerne Dialogue. Each year, they select employees to participate in the Leadership Programme and thus also in the Annual Meeting.


This community meets for four days in Central Switzerland during the week of the Annual Meeting. The aim of the Basecamp is to link young international leaders with each other and with the participants of the Annual Meeting. Around fifty selected "Future Leaders" from European countries take part in the Basecamp.


The network «Friends» consists of leading personalities - CEOs and board members of national and international companies - who are closely associated with Lucerne Dialogue. The "Friends" cultivate personal relationships with each other through small events and European trips and gain exciting insights and inspiration.


In this community we unite all former participants of the Basecamp and the Leadership Programme. We facilitate international networking in community activities during the year.